How To Retain Church Members - Religion

The issue with church growth is not about people coming but retaining those that are coming. This has lead some ministers to do unspeakable things. Some said prophecy retained members but in my years of ministry, I have never see a prophetic church that can boast of having 20,000 members every Sunday for a year. I have see non prophetic church that has 50,000 members for every Sunday for a year and still increasing. Some said, make the church beautiful, most beautiful churches are still empty.The question is how are members retained in a church? The answers is signs and Wonder through the Holy Spirit. Signs and Wonder through the Holy Spirit talks about positive change of story in the life of the church members. People that are jobless got job, barren becomes fruitful, the sick are healed, tenants becoming landlord, family curses are broken,etc.


RIGHTEOUSNESS: The church that does not preach against sin and call for repentance cannot have the dwelling of the Holy Spirit. All the ministers in a church must live righteous before it can flow to the church members. The ability to live righteous is the ability to enjoy signs and Wonder.

ii. THE WORD: The word has the ability to heal all kinds of sickness and deliver from any form of destruction. (Ps107:20). Preaching the word of God with revelation is what carry power.This days there are ministers that preach to entertain, with time people will stop coming to the church because they have other church that can entertain them. Preaching with revelation is the ability to speak to people heart that is speaking solution to their problems., it can only happen through the help of the Holy Spirit that knows people heart.

iii. PRAYER: When we talk about prayer in the church, it is not by copying prayer points to use in the church. You must be given prayer points to write down by the Holy Spirit or when it get to the time of prayer, the Holy Spirit will minister prayer points to you that will speak solution to the challenges of people in the church because the Holy Spirit knows every members challenge. The ministers and all department must maintain a level of constant prayer to be on fire and also put the church on fire spiritual.When there is signs and wonders, members will stay and the acts of signs and wonder will attract people to come to church.
Let the word of God be Blessed in our heart in Jesus name.
Remained Blessed And Righteous In Jesus
